Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Street theatre past...The Diceman, Dublin's adopted son.

When I moved to Dublin for a season I was approached many times and asked if I knew 'the Diceman'.

There was an unmistakeable pride and ownership in those who asked. This Diceman character was Dublins own street theatre eccentric and had not a cult following but a warm affectionate everman kind of love.

I hadn't met him or even heard of him and at the time I was there I guess he was dieing of aids and so not performing any more.

Google didn't exist, the internet was in it's infancy or non existent so it's taken a while for his legacy to become explorable to all.

What impressed me most, as a perpetual outsider who existed to make strangers laugh at life, was the unfathomable, unthinkable concept that a community would love this energy enough to simply cradle and support it. To own, support and love it like a parent would a forevermore amusing child.

Here's some background

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