What I find hilarious is that the TPP got fast-track this week. Meaning
it can't be abridged when it comes before the senate. A corporate rapist
bill designed to sodomise all opposition to corporate profit. And the
courts also decided this week that the torture report, containing scenes
of rape of children since purged by the CIA, will never become public.
Thus negating any opportunity for the public to have any say about
torture in their name. But the big story this week was one lone
convenient political pervert among many. The righteous juice flowed, not
only huffing but also puffing transpired. Business as usual. I feel it
used to have the dignity of Kabuki, political theatre, but now it's
simply a punch and Judy show for indignancy junkies happy with the next
cheap fix.
and I can hear what your thinking [if you're like me.] "you are just a
recursive whiner sucking of the indignancy teat at a level below the
usual simply because you were afforded a classical education like all
the other aspiring white middle class males
of your generation who puff themselves up on their molehills and beat
their chests between trips to Target." Tis true, tis true. However
there's this... Good old Ireland, famous for exporting close to
diabolically cheerful alcoholism throughout the world and famous also
for breeding heavily and sending every runt into the priesthood to
fiddle the books or children for voting overwhelmingly to let people of
indiscriminate genders commit themselves into unions recognised by the
state and the tax dept and divorce lawyers. I will overindulge in the
alcoholic porridge you call stout and vomit into the nearest gutter just
to proclaim my humility and your moral superiority... and because I
need to rationalise my behaviour on a daily basis.