Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Objective independence/non specific outcomes/ and flow state as performance objective.


Objective independence

Is a psychological envelope of sorts, a state that sportspeople, artists and musicians among others enter into with no preset objective in mind typically to arrive at a flow state for peak performance in whatever it is they're engaged in.

The best street performers I've met used some variation of a gifted, can't be taught, cultural/social near perfect pitch quality to their shows, linked to some activity window in. Like unicycle, juggling, puppets, balloon twisting...it doesn't matter what. The skills are vehicular. The shows enter a flow state that becomes a celebration for participants and observers, in the internet's case even observers after the fact. It's the blueprint for most special street performers and a handful of bloggers who have lucked into the conceptual envelope. There are shared street theatre/internet variant tools. Both 'touch' their audiences for example with some version of the 'shoutout' note Marcus Veltri [gets like 4mil views in 3 weeks for his latest content] I'm not even sure he truely knows what he's doing. He recognises the person, the room, the environment, the props, people. Sets that picture, that's his form of near perfect social/cultural pitch. He's gifted enough that he uses his musical perfect pitch as an 'In' and then produce an objectively independant monologue for the moment. Then he improvises his audiences musical memory and it's quite undeniably emotionally powerful.

In my case it was people working out I was I was doing an in the moment [Objectively independant] social commentary and promoting a flow state.

Objective independence is a fuzzy term and I might be misremembering it from whatever psychology thing I was reading and I'll try to come up with something more descriptive but it's being in, or entering behaviours for which there is no distinct predetermined outcome.

Sports-people and artists utilize it, either trained or instinctively because it's a passage towards a flow state.

In a performers framework it's then also about transmitting that flow state to an audience.

We know what it is, everything goes away and you are just 'there'...and so in their own strange and briefly liberated way..are the audience.

There's no 'outcome' larger than what's contained within the envelope.

There's very few purists but typically technicians recognise it on some level above what the briefly hypnotised do. Livingspace Stickleback, Hoopal, Hilby etc, folk who are most likely to admit it's not about the money. I've written about the spectrum before , The exploiters and the ingratiators.

The look at me's and the look at us's. The overdressed and the naked.

There's also the aspect where a lot of good performers have gifts that are biproducts of coping mechanisms hard wired to combat anxiety on some level and that to get to a flow state of any sort is the only time the voices stop.

or the hamster gets off the treadmill and goes and lounges on the deckchair and soaks up laughter instead of sunlight.