Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Live streaming arts

Starting in 7 hours the Happy sideshow freak circus, now known as the World Sideshow are performing a premier of their impeccably wry, mischievously ironic and genuinely spectacular show in Australia and are selling internet tickets and streaming the show.

What a grand experiment! Tickets $7

click here  to watch the intro film, buy a ticket and watch the show live.



winsomecowboy said...

Brave, daring Shep. [ringmaster and director]

My mind's boggling a bit. If this works, and why wouldn't it I'd rent out the Aloha Theater and have one/two/three nights of acts performing for the locals and get high quality multiple cameras with an inhouse live editing crew and stream it out and call it [the first?] online variety arts festival.

winsomecowboy said...