Saturday, March 31, 2018

Fear of Clowns

I think the fear is cosmetically overblown however somewhat legit. whether they are aware of it or not people define themselves in part via their chosen 'enemies'.
21st century western culture is nano-shallow, perhaps the deepest spiritual technicians left for the masses are advertising and marketing people who toy with the subconscious for commercial effect.
They play with the collective unconscious while maintaining a perpetual mass insecurity priming folk to purchase expensive placebos.
Clowns are a centuries old gateway to 'the other', at best they help people digest subterranean depths of the common subtextual tragedies inclusive of the human condition in a tasty sauce of humor.
People are sadly pretty distracted overall and in my mind less than fully human as a consequence. Clowns and their function are a threat but that's not acknowledged, more defined as a aversion which is telling, as it brands people in defining them by their chosen enemies .

That said...There are a great many clowns who simply pile on makeup and radiate insecurity and I dislike them for commercialising their esteem issues as strongly as those folk you advise medication.

As a clown I use phobic people as comic tools, the louder they scream the more laughter I produce. They are like Inca human sacrifices, cruelly treated but social glue....and another thing...I get really pissed off at people who tell me I think too much!

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