War is an economic construct that serves coward sociopaths. pan culturally people just want to laugh and party.Without war America would be Belgium. Dark and stabbing it’s genitals. #darkturn
America globally is that hip student who sells you speed and who in your 40's you look back on with sympathy, except for all the cheerleaders it murdered and blamed on others.#america
Ringling Circus has many secrets, for decades railroad wagons full of clowns and roustabouts and assorted spectaculars roamed the US mainlands rail system.
There are stories, many stories shared between gatherings of x-ringlings when they happenchance gather enough to form some quorum.
I attended a handful of these scrums, the odd clown out, but not really, I was made privy to several sessions of anicdotal olympics
in the company of Ringlings of different generations who had all spent months on a train in the clownwagon.
Ringling is dead but many of it's best refuse to die. Sadly everything perishes. Stories have their own immortality.
The very best, in my sordid opinion, Ringling clown story's last line was, "and that's how we caught the camelfucker!"
It was beautiful. But I can't tell it to you. #clown
So here are some thoughts this triggers. Part of being a parent apart from keeping your kids save is exposing them to things that are outside the ordinary yet beneficial. Every time you learn from a new experience there is some period of discomfort as you pass from what you have known into what you now know. Part of the reason clowns are feared is because, well one reason is that they are simply painted hyper insensitive idiots trying to get by in the world but more importantly that vague fear that comes from a natural distrust of the unusual. But without it growth is impossible. This looks European. Europe is old and it's social norms go back a long way. To go about your day and be confronted by some creative celebration that isn't sponsored loudly or isn't advertising is a declaration on a deep level to parents and kids and everybody that our individual imaginations are gifts in their own right. That wonder often follows moments of disquiet and that our world can be generous.#observation #street #culture #parent
The Starwars franchise is simply a space soap opera for the intellectually prematurely balding who would rather be distracted retards than critical adults. Galaxies of our lives.#culture
Interestingly one aspect of what we call "love" is simply a subconscious recognition that a prospective partner smells foreign to us. Pheromones trigger desire and potential partners who, on this subconscious level attract us do so because our potential offspring will have a wider genetic base and a better chance of overall genetic survival. Still, lovesongs and poetry and anything that allows you to think one person out of 7 billion is your soulmate is what viagra was before there was viagra #love
.I processed an invoice [for vegetables] today for 'Chefs in Jesus'
I was so confused. Would I have to find Jesus and insert this invoice somehow to receive payment?
Do deities commonly have their food cooked within them?
How large is Jesus's general staff? Which is the staff entrance?
Do the Chefs ever have holidays? Was this invoice made inside the body of the universes creator and should I wash my hands afterwards?
I still added tax, I know a scam when I see one.#strange
The idea America is a representative democracy is a ghost and those that believe live in haunted houses not admitting they died years ago.#america, #culture
LA and Hollywood is the only place where the barnacles run the ship. #America, #culture
I want to see Bear Grylls survive living in San Francisco for a month on minimum wage. #America, #culture
In my opinion and experience street theatre has survived by becoming part premasticated cabaret, so as to better incorporate into "street theatre festivals" without which the majority of the worlds best would wither and die or do renaissance festivals and cruise ships or circuses or corporate team exercises. However certain performers, a rare and precious few focus on structure when required but focus primarily on the interface. They essentially celebrate others while they deftly narrate the here and now. Livingspace does this, Fraser does this, Lee Ross did/does this, Rob Torres does this, Robert Nelson used to do this. Kate Mior gets a 'my show is in the moment' award too as does for the same reasons Silver Elvis. Shirley Sunflower, Peter Mielniczek, Dado, others. #streettheatre #culture
I have nothing against premasticated cabaret, my podcast where I read things I object to while vomiting is my largest income. #strange #culture #personal
I was growing tired of my go-to's, the Dunning-Kruger effect, confirmation bias and Stockholm syndrome as the basis and foundation of the 21 century fiction of the self. Nice to know there's more labels out there to apply to people I annoy.TIL, new description of sudden disproportionate emotional response.
'amygdala hijack’ #science
Yawn, if you had any social conscience worth more than the effort to cut and paste or hit 'like' you wouldn't be on facebook. Facebook is the condom you put over your political pointlessness so you can dry hump the husk of your dead dream of the social commons. So spare me your cut and paste plastic sabre rattling legalese demonstrating how strongly you feel about your digital privacy. It's sad and pitiful and demonstratively asinine that anyone here takes their personal sovereignty seriously simply based on the fact the entire platform is a monetized information gathering instrument dedicated to providing data to marketers. #facebook
Kissinger killed as many people as Stalin but apparently he had better reasons, like profit and he liked the competitive challenge of sticking his tongue deeper than anyone ever had done before into his masters asses. #america
As collective primate cusping interstellar bipeds on a collective rock we should dispense with politics by way of collective digital boolean logic. Good luck applying salt to the slugs. #strange
One world Govt, the only thing you'd notice is that a portion of our petfood bill would go to the staving millions.... or education was digitally free without fee and the standards were preprogrammed course by course. Late night thoughts thereby probably worthless. #strange
This is unlikely to work.
Whereas a geopolitical race towards the planets destruction via either pollution or nuclear war between the west and China/Russia [currently in it's proxy stage]is the current paradigm. I agree it's unlikely to work. I'm just giving the next generation whatever feeble straws they might require temporarily to sustain hope. #hope
Bhutan is an interesting deviation from the western 3D enforced hallucination. It's predominately Buddhist but has freedom of religion, the whole country is non smoking, [the fine is about two months wages], it instigated the concept of Gross National Happiness, which to me is aspirational rather than our usual lesser of two evils ethically erosive waltz and to visit you have to pay a local guide $250 a day, [but that includes accom and food]. Ideally I'd like to visit with Sir-anthony Campbell and Andrew Elliott and perhaps some other pan cultural non vocal enthusiasts, [admittedly out of the loop] {is Hugo from Argentina still about?] Maybe Lee Nelson looks at a cultural exchange? with us as street based vanguard? Just thoughts.. #hope
Oh and I can hear what your thinking [if you're like me.] "you are just a recursive whiner sucking of the indignancy teat at a level below the usual simply because you were afforded a classical education like all the other aspiring white middle class males of your generation who puff themselves up on their molehills and beat their chests between trips to Target." Tis true, tis true. However there's this... Good old Ireland, famous for exporting close to diabolically cheerful alcoholism throughout the world and famous also for breeding heavily and sending every runt into the priesthood to fiddle the books or children for voting overwhelmingly to let people of indiscriminate genders commit themselves into unions recognised by the state and the tax dept and divorce lawyers. I will overindulge in the alcoholic porridge you call stout and vomit into the nearest gutter just to proclaim my humility and your moral superiority... and because I need to rationalise my behaviour on a daily basis. #observations
“Their intent is to target street artists and vendors as a means of regulating and controlling the community’s use of public space, for the benefit of expensive galleries, fancy restaurants and developers. The effect is to better provide the capital-owning business elite with a controlled and sterilized neighborhood full of passive armies of docile workers and obedient shoppers. Their ambition is to redraw urban geography according to profit motives, and convert public and social life into the plaything of the private interests. This amounts to an attempt to rob us of every free and spontaneous aspect of our communities and our lives, and replace each of them with no alternative but submission and the compulsion to consume. #streettheatre #public commons
”I'm getting on and I have to pay my dues. I have debts that can never be repaid. Bob Maclaren was an early friend, I've known him from teenage on, he cared for me. He would quietly follow me as a friend as I took walks while we were both on tour, about 20 meters behind me just to make sure he could fish me out of whatever suicidal impulse I gave out to. I only recognised this after turning round after a long walk to find him there. It astonished me to have earned a guardian angel. I was a funny guy who never recognised I was loved. Later on Nick Nickolas and I toured NZ and I can remember regretting that if I wasn't heterosexual and we both weren't such smelly pointless fuckups we'd have made a good couple. I lent on people, I've always lent on people. I was unique but I've always needed foils. The street theatre world became my greater foil and I subverted it and succeeded. Nick and Bob admired that however they had either work ethics or larger plans. I just wanted strangers to love me and laugh and it was an easy science. Over decades i realised the laughter of complete strangers only ever brought me back to neutral, which was to me a form of joy. I had no-where else to go but the best friends in the world. You can't imagine having friends who bent the world cheerfully to their ends on a daily basis. My definition was whatever was invested in me was a waste of time. I was a romantic masochist and my friends had their own lives to lead. I would like to acknowledge that they, and many other secondary fellows, are the foundation of what I am today, whatever that's worth. Cheers. #gratitude, #hope #redemption #self #observation
philosophy is like adopting grandparents. You buy them preweathered and tested. #philosopy
I'm just good at stringing words together but you as a reader have already thought these things. I just create the occasional clearing in the forest. The older we get the easier it is for us to join hands and do a little commb-by-ya dance in the clearing. #observation
The best thing about early emphysema is you hear babies screaming and they don't exist #strange.
The guy who invented insurance was a thin guy who monetized fat to other thin people. #strange
The balancing act of recognising, ego aside, that your life is spent swimming in a sea of your own ignorance, gasping lungfulls of certainty like a drowning man, until you eventually die none the wiser, is key. #strange #unjudged thought
I come from an extended family of street performing neer-do-wells.
I'll die eventually but their stories sustain me while I'm here and I add to them.
That will do.#observation
computer intelligence is always degraded because it's rote. As if the noises in our heads make us superior. Without the noise, which is basically static, we're pretty damn rote. In most cases it's been proven we think after we act, there's a lag in our consciousness. It goes, stimuli, response, mental framing of response. An interesting and powerful argument against free will. So far we are the best computers nature's made. But bright enough to recognise we are venis flytraps with story telling properties. #observation
assuredness closes more doors than it opens, but keeps a handful open at all times and cynicism is the wasabi of perspectives. A little bit well placed is good but more than that and the fact you're a defensively dank git means people stop inviting you to parties...and I like parties. #metaphor
I was chatting today with someone about the difference between platonic and romantic relationships.
I said that platonic relationships allowed people to discover each others continents in flyover mode with the missile systems turned off. You each discovered topography at your leisure.
Whereas intimate relationships were newly formed volcanic islands where with all the best intentions no-one really knew where the lava-flows would turn up and what might be consumed by them and where. #observation #relationships
In an hour and twelve minutes I'll be 52.
Who would have thunk.
Having spent my life as an extended adolescent i had no idea I'd make it this far. I longed for some eclectic premature passing that relieved me and inflicted others. I didn't want to be a passive aggressive asshole but recognised it suited me.
A week ago I was jetlagged and homeless between gig A and gig B, which sounds exciting but isn't.
I also ran out of puff somewhere between 46 and 51 and sheltered in the only place that would take me, a rehab center, because while I wanted simply to die, to cease existing, something drove me to seek a solution that involved processing oxygen and perhaps understanding myself better.
So I stopped being curled up in a lava tube in Hawaii with my back to the world trying to starve to death and staggered back into life.
I rescued myself, i went through the hoops hopeless people are allowed and got certified as a poly drug abuser and put into care.
I lived with ex addicts and ex prisoners for two years and then, because I'm fucking special and it's a curse i can barely manage I was employed at the same place to help others.
All this time I ignored all my friends and family. I wasn't sure whether I was technically dead or not.
One person, out of left field, unbidden befriended me. My response was to do that thing I'm gifted with. To expose them and their motivations to themselves. They left me alone for six months. After that we've spoken very day the last 5 years and I now owe them everything.
Because I'm back in the mix. I know what I am and I know who I am and if the world and I don't get on then it's nothing I haven't dealt with already.
It's now 17 minutes before my birthday and in 17 minutes I'm going to dive into the pool and re-emerge a 52 year old. The world is just going to have to deal with that. #observation
American comedy generally repulsed me growing up. Brady Bunch, Partridge Family, all putrid little moral vehicles with a laugh track. Like some Calvinist with his asshole sewed shut presiding over the concept of comedy determined that each laugh was a sin that could only be rectified by some moral message at the end of each episode.
21st century and it's sadly the best we can hope for. Comedians reaching out and helping us digest the world at large because no-one else in media takes anything seriously. #clown #comedy
I think part of it is because spoken comedy in large part requires intelligence on the part of the audience for the complexities that make the comedy implicit. Whereas 'the news' exists primarily to sell toothpaste and anti-depressants and the dumber you are the easier their job is so there's no motivation to educate you. It's just tragic that comedy has to take this role but better that than nothing I guess. #clown #comedy
Monsanto pledges 4 million to help save Monarch Butterflys
Rapist undertips, #america
because I can still distinguish the difference between cruel social discomfort and hopeless unending hell and I resent shallow self satisfaction in others because it alludes me and because it's shallow, and self satisfied.
With age we recognise our opinions are worthless and rarely original. When young, every tepid, half thunk impulse is vital. I'm regressing.
in my early 50s and my impression is that existential angst doesn't wane or seem to age at all so much as be reduced to a tinnitus background using orchestrated deliriums of distraction.
On good days.
On bad days I email my parents and remind them I never asked to be born.
What's the most beautiful invitation you've had.
This is mine, it's over 30 years old.
"see that room, that's yours anytime, you can just go there and rest, you don't even have to look at us, we'll feed you. #beauty
"While the usual bloody middle eastern lab matures, a profitable stillborn decomposes nicely on Russias door and anyone who’s anyone fucks children recreationally and as a high level corporate bonding exercise. Meanwhile at Guantanamo they’ve set new records for science in keeping humans on the brink of death for extended periods. Not my problem. I’ll just cloth myself in the misery of various sweatshops much like a plantation owners daughter would accept a Julep and tinker on my sophisticated device part of which was dug by hand in inhuman conditions because yay us!
You have more chance of airport security bruising your groin than ever meeting a terrorist. Terrorists are a TV thing, up there with toothpaste. Airport security is real. I’ve actually been there. Terrorists and toothpaste like TV but airport security trust neither. #netherregions
I enjoyed rugby as a child because if I held onto the ball I was instantly attractive. #self #observation
.50 shades of some entitled brittle asshole treating you sexually like you've just rung his corporate callcenter.
Some sad Irish git priest has got the worlds amused attention by stating Yoga's satanic dangers. sigh-- Another tightly bound career virgin projecting his lust via improvised theology. #culture
All forms of self discovered beatitude are a threat. Nothing doggerel can't cure. #cynicism
The devil is simply a concept that externalises our impulsive chimp brain-stem remnants and deeper still our reptilian. #religion #observation #memes
I remember catching a taxi to a job interview as an assistant trainee supermarket manager when I was 16.[got the job] I'd just left school and the taxi driver asked my age. I told him and he asked if the 11 years I'd spent at school seemed like a long or short time. I answered "A long time"
He said, "Well the rest of your life if going to go by as fast as that 11 years did"
I was secretly proud of being middle aged at 16. #self #observations
I'd get kids sent by their mums who were just humming with social apprehension, sent with a list and the exact change.... I was young and cruel and didn't give a shit. I'd overcharge them just to see their distrust in their parents blossom. I was a bit broken.
I'd also preopen a bottle of coke in the fridge behind the till and if some kid bought one and wanted it opened I'd pretend to do it with my eyesocket. You just make the hissing sound at the right moment and you have a child convinced you're a superhero for life. ......also....I shoplifted.Just boil in the bag dinners. I lacked imagination. #self #observations #assistant supermarket manager, #16
I used to shrug and just move on. Fuckem if they can't take a joke and fuckem if I'm used to fuel the rampant insecurities of haberdashers. Street theatre exists in mainly token form, Cirque leveraged that shit and now poetic social intercourse is just a means to an end.The streetworld has declined but then so have I, along with western civilization generally...probably unrelated. #street theatre
When the bible was translated into American, slaves running away was called Drapetomania and a registered psychiatric disorder. #America #observation
I remember working in Dublin in a scene with Tom Cruise in a Ron Howard movie, Far and Away. Mr Cruise kindly initiated some small talk between shots, I nodded smiling and replied.
"Scientology in religious terms is a spiritual crack whore who worked out no-one notices the running sores if you charge enough to drive a lamborghini."
He laughed and nodded and winked. I don't think he heard me. #Culture, #observation
It's tricky, the balance being poised above the Niagara falls of cynicism whilst focusing on the optimistic placid approaching still waters. #metaphor
Art is how we decorate space; music is how we decorate time, great pantomime is a sublime arranged marriage. #art #observation #metaphor
"You are to light entertainment what donkeys who lived their whole lives underground used to be to mining.” #ouch
I still wonder what all those various people said before they spontainiously combusted in mainly American trailerparks over those decades. I'm convinced they randomly came across a set of words that ignites you when spoken. Undoubtedly drunk, I wouldn't like to even guess in case I erased the universe. #strange #observation
Average 6 inches of feces every day ... you reach 50 you've poo'd about a mile and a half..I'd presumed I'd shat at least a marathon. #strange
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